Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Bee Atch

Yes.. even "sweet" Julie can have her moments! Today as I pulled into Win Co to buy some bulk items, I was sitting in my car messing with my blackberry when the lady who was parked in front of me came out of the store, unloaded her cart and proceeded to push it into the planter. Then she started to get in her car... I began frantically tapping my blackberry on my windshield and when she looked up, I pointed to the cart corral which was TWO spaces from her car!! She mouthed that she was sorry and that she didn't see the cart corral... she retrieved her cart and put it in the corral... Oh, did I mention she walked past it on the way to her car.... I don't know if it's all the years I worked in retail that makes me do things like that or if its the frequency with which I can't find a parking spot because they are all full of carts... I think probably the later...
When I return my cart to the corral I always collect at least one stray and return it on the way (if I pass one) and when I pass strays on my way in I collect them too... now THAT probably comes from those years in retail... none the less I think it's plain and simple courtesy! Yes I can be a Bee Atch! LOL

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